Belgian brand
Small moments, big memories
Animals with their own, recognizable character
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Why are #ourlittlemoments so important?

... and how do you create those moments?

Being a parent often means keeping several balls in the air: work, home, hobbies ... All these tasks and obligations make it difficult to give children the attention they deserve. Yet it's crucial for their development and well-being to take a moment with them - preferably as often as possible. We'd like to explain why it's so important, and give you some tips on how to make this time as enjoyable as possible!

Building strong relationships

By spending quality time together on a regular basis, you'll strengthen your relationship and create pleasant memories that will have a positive impact on both of you. After all, pleasant, shared experiences play a major role in building mutual trust and making children feel (even more) loved.

A huge boost for their QE


You'll find that spending time together also has a positive impact on children's emotional development. You give them a sense of security and stability, while boosting their self-confidence. In short, these precious 'little moments' considerably boost a child's self-esteem, mental health and emotional development... and are therefore essential!

Better communication (mutual)


By creating a safe, calm environment, as mom or dad, you're also indicating that there's room to talk freely with each other... You'll notice that, without any interruptions, you can have real conversations with each other and actively listen to each other. Use this time to teach important values and life lessons in a playful way. And by encouraging children to express themselves freely, you're fostering their communication skills and ... letting them grow (figuratively speaking)!

Comment créez-vous ces #ourlittlemoments ?

It all starts with a pleasant environment. This can be done quickly and easily! Find a quiet, stimulus-free spot somewhere in the house (or on the move) and make it comfortable with Yumi Yay's nightlights, for example. Thanks to their three lighting modes, you can control the light as you wish, and because they're wireless and shockproof, they can go anywhere (travelling, or visiting grandparents...).

Found a spot? Then you can add a little book, for example! In this way, each Yumi Yay friend has its own story, always on themes recognizable to children and parents alike. What's more, educational activities, such as reading together or reading aloud (3 reasons why reading to your child is fun (and useful!) - Yumi Yay), help improve problem-solving skills and promote a love of reading!

Above all, remember that spending quality time with children doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. What matters most is that you make the effort to give your children your full attention, try to create memories and build a solid home!